Tag Archives: Add-on

Google Chrome extension to ensure the ‘Following’ tab in x.com (Twitter) remains selected

Twitter likes to play dirty tricks and deselect the ‘Following’ tab if you click on it. It seems to always rever to ‘For you’.

I’ve written a Google Chrome extension that ensures that the ‘Following tab’ is re-selected if it is not currently selected.

If you are using other tabs, this extension will be annoying to you since it will force ‘Following’ to be re-selected. Don’t use it.

You can download the extension here:

Instructions for use:

1. Download file
2. Unzip file to folder
3. Go to Exensions > Manage Extensions (or enter chrome://extensions/ in your address bar)
4. Make sure 'Developer Mode' is activated in the top-right corner
5. Click 'Load Unpacked' in the to-left corner and select the unpacked folder

The extension will now be automatically used whenever you visit x.com.

If you’re worried about the contents of the extension, open up content.js file. It’s the text file which contains the Javascript code. Very simple code with comments.